

1.  Problem:
Monies has the currency set as XXX. How can I change it to YYY?

Monies is using your system currency. You can check the current currency setup by going to:

System Preferences -> Language & Text -> Formats

there you'll have on the bottom a field called Currency. Change this field to whatever currency you would like to see in the application


2.  Problem:
When I enter a date in the format 3/31/11, I got the message invalid data. Why?

Monies is using the following data format: DD/MM/YYYY, this means a valid data will be 31/03/2011, not 3/31/11


3.  Problem:
How can I take a backup of my entries, or how can I transfer it to another computer?

Depending on the Monies version, here is the place where the database is keep:

For version >3.0

/Users/<your username>/Library/Containers/com.turuga.monies/Data/Documents/Monies3.sqlite

For version >2.0
/Users/<your username>/Library/Containers/com.turuga.monies/Data/Library/Application Support/Monies2/storedata.sqlite

For older version <2.0
/Users/<your username>/Library/Application Support/Monies2/storedata

Note: you might also find the following 2 files: *.sqlite-wal and *.sqlite-shm, you'll also need to backup those, as they are temporary SQLite3 files.